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The uploading of new data has been temporarily disabled as we prepare to transition the service to the new TMD (click on the link to preview). We anticipate re-enabling data uploads by the end of 2023.

The Training Metrics Database was developed in an effort to streamline data collection, storage, and visualisation for the Quality and Impact Subtask of the ELIXIR Training Platform, which aims to:

  • Describe the audience demographic being reached by ELIXIR-badged training events,
  • Assess the quality of ELIXIR-badged training events directly after they have taken place,
  • Evaluate the longer term impact that ELIXIR-badged training events have had on the work of training participants.

In an effort to achieve the above aims, the subtask, in collaboration with the ELIXIR Training Coordinators, has compiled a set of core metrics for measuring audience demographics and training quality, in the short term, and training impact, in the longer term. Both sets of metrics are collected via feedback survey. In some cases, the demographic information is collected via registration form. These metrics were developed out of those already collected by ELIXIR training providers as well as from discussions with stakeholders and external training providers. The metrics are listed in the 'References' page under the 'Help' tab.

View and filter all ELIXIR training events on the 'All ELIXIR events' page and create custom reports on the 'Reports' page.